sound healing

intention + Frequency = healing

Jonathan Goldman

come back to your true self, through sound


Discover the magic of the Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls in this 60 minute sound bath. Each bowl is made of 99.9% clear quartz crystal, combined with different gemstones, crystals, metals and/ or earth minerals. Each bowl is unique, bringing the healing effects of sound, as well as the alchemies within each bowl.

As a Reiki Master, all of Natania’s sound baths are infused with Reiki, allowing for a deeper, more powerful healing to take place.

Experience a deeply soothing and relaxing 60 minute sound bath, and feel energetic blockages softly dissipate, a clearing and aligning of your chakras, and deep cell regeneration.

My intention with any reading or healing session, including sound healing, is to leave you feeling expansive at all you can achieve, centered, realizing that you have so many gifts and capabilities, and empowered as you go through each and every day.

$250 - $350*

60 minutes

A recording of your sound bath is included for virtual private sessions
Please contact for groups of 6 or more
All payments are final and nonrefundable. Appointments can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior

  • Enjoying Tania’s sound healing session was a very special experience for me. The structure of her session is so well rounded. Starting with intention setting and reiki invocations, she creates the perfect atmosphere for a healing experience, even virtually. The sounds of her bowls and her voice will then transport you to the deepest layers of yourself. Tania's sound meditation is highly individual , as she intuitively tailors the meditation theme and the way she plays her bowls according to your personal needs. This allowed me to go very deep into the meditative state, surpassing my usual sound healing experiences I had before. In Tania’s session, I was not only able to relax deeply as during prior sound healing sessions, but also to experience a profound sense of healing. I can highly recommend booking a session with Tania, the unique magic she creates is absolutely worth it.

    - Susi Gutthater

  • I am so grateful I had the opportunity to experience Natania’s High Priestess Healing Session! She is a talented and gifted intuitive who was able to provide me a distance healing session that I truly felt not only in the moments during the transmission but afterwards as well.

    I prepared myself by laying down with some of my favorite crystals in a comfortable environment. During the time I knew we were intentionally connecting for our session I could feel my energetic body receiving the light codes and healing as my spine began to slightly tingle from the base to the top little by little. It was absolutely pleasant and soothing. I found it very easy to drift off into a dreamlike state where I was still in a receiving mode but consciously open to her transmission.

    Upon awaking I felt very relaxed and it turned out that the after effects truly exemplified themself through my overall vibrant state the following days. I had a bit of stagnancy around my throat and it dissipated! Magical!

    - Brooke Rosenblum