hi, i’m natania

Having always been someone who unknowingly followed my intuition and gut feeling about everything, it shouldn’t have been a surprise when I started channeling - suddenly - more than 6 years ago. Since then, it’s been a journey of discovery and mastery, and I haven’t looked back since. Channeling continues to be the through-line in everything that I do.

And on the other hand, I spent a lot of my life immersed in studying and working in business. I come from a family full of entrepreneurs; our talks around the table during family dinners have always, and still do, involve business in one way or another. So I like to say it was either just always there in my blood - or got there by osmosis.

But the intuitive, spiritual side, and the business-minded, logical sides don’t have to be at odds. Societal conditioning have unfortunately taught many of us that we have to pick a lane and stick to it. Being an Aquarius rising, and a Manifesting Generator though - that was never in the cards for me. The key is to come back to our souls. Deep down, we know who we’re really meant to be.

When we are in alignment with our true selves, anxiety, stress and conformity fall away. In turn we experience flow, ease, and expansion like never before. Discovering and learning astrology was an eye-, and soul- opening experience for me. It was the thing that catapulted everything. That, and a retreat in Costa Rica. Everything else I have pursued and studied since have been in service of living in alignment with our soul purpose and highest calling, and in turn sharing that with others.

Natania Setyadi is a channel, Reiki Master, astrologer, Human Design reader, preferred PSYCH-K® facilitator, High Priestess Healing practioner and certified sound healer. She holds a Master of Science degree in hospitality finance from New York University. She is currently serving as a Mentor at The Sound Healers Academy.

My Approach


My intention for every client is that they come away feeling empowered and expanded. It’s not about brushing the less-than-savory parts of ourselves under the rug, but acknowledging them and reframing the stigma into something powerful, productive, and proactive. I feel that this is the most important thing to take away from any 1:1 session, reading or workshop, and I will give you the tools to reframe and see “shortcomings” and “weaknesses” as strengths and leave you empowered.



You should never leave a reading or session with anyone feeling down, small or disappointed. I make it a core part of my offerings to make sure you feel good about the information you receive, and know how to use them for the largest impact in your life.


Expand what you ever thought was possible, through finding what makes you tick and what makes you unique. Discover the gifts you never thought you had, and expand what you ever thought was possible.