leverage & alignment

6 month 1:1 conscious business coaching

are you ready to grow yourself and your business?

to find alignment and flow in your life and work?

then leverage & alignment is for you

Leverage & Alignment is a 6-month 1:1 private coaching program with Natania designed to use all the tools in her toolkit to help you leverage your strengths in order to grow yourself and your business, in a way that is in alignment to your true self.


A lever amplifies an input force to provide a greater output force, which is said to provide leverage

what’s included


Grow Personally & Professionally

While Leverage & Alignment is a business coaching program, you will grow, heal and expand more than just your business and your professional life.

Personalized Action Plan

The expected, rational thing sometimes doesn’t work - why? Because it wasn’t a personalized approach directly suited to your energy, gifts and uniqueness. Leverage & Alignment was created to let your natural essence shine.

Weekly Healing and Strategy Calls

Get the best of both worlds. Alternating business/ strategy calls with channeling, astrology, Human Design readings and energy healing sessions. Combined with a personal practice to bring more peace and flow into your life.*

Gain Clarity Through Channeling Readings

What do you wish you could ask your Spirit Guides directly, and what do your Guides wish they could tell you directly in return? Channeling readings bring clarity in your direction and purpose.

In Depth Astrology & Human Design Readings

Learn about your unique soul blueprint, encoded in the stars at the time of your birth, and find out how best to use your energy, make decisions, and live by your natural gifts.

Business Strategy

Create personalized action plans utilizing Natania’s experience in crafting strategies for multi-million dollar businesses, plus personal development experience to grow your business to new heights, while aligning to your unique soul purpose.

Multiple Energy Healing Modalities

Reiki, sound healing, PSYCH-K® and High Priestess Healing**, will all be utilized to help you to quickly move through blocks, traumas and remove limiting beliefs. Creating new beliefs, habits and flow in your life and business.

Weekly Recorded Sound Baths

A new Crystal Alchemy sound bath each week, available only to Leverage & Alignment clients. Intentions will be set to what the collective group is experiencing, as well as noteworthy astrological transits.

Strategy Session Boosts

Optional*** ongoing Strategy Session Boosts after the program at the time interval of your choice (e.g. quarterly, every 6 months) to craft your business strategy for the months ahead.

Energy exchange investment of $1,333/ month or $8,000 USD full payment. 

*A total of 20 weekly calls in 24 weeks (6 months) with 4 integration weeks, spread throughout.
**Distance acupuncture, a healing modality created by Dr Amanda Cohen of Source Point Wellness.
***For an added, discounted fee. Strategy Session Boost calls are 3 hours long each.

a unique approach

Utilizing Natania’s formal training in business management and finance, as well as experience in both business strategy and multiple spiritual modalities, discover your untapped potential and gifts not yet utilized in your business. Leverage and Alignment will bring your business into alignment with your soul, while also bringing your life into further alignment as well. One cannot and will not happen without the other.

Gain more flow and ease in your life, as well as less anxiety. Work shouldn’t be a burden, and feeling stuck is not the norm. We all deserve to thrive and have abundance. YOU get to define what success means to you. Allow Natania to help you get there in the approach that is made for your highest self.

“My favorite word in business is leverage - but in the physics sense, not the traditional finance sense meaning debt. It means strategically finding areas where a small amount of input can be made into a greater amount of output. Doing so in a way that is in alignment with your purpose, and gifts; a way that feels GOOD and expansive. That’s my intention with all of the work that I do.”