
the word astrology comes from the latin astro Logos meaning language of the stars

your soul purpose is written in the stars


Your personal, unique birth chart is a map of the skies the moment you were born. Through it, discover your purpose, unique timing, phases of your life, your personality tendencies, and so much more.

Astrology is a tool for self discovery like no other I’ve come across. Through techniques ranging from the ancient Hellenistic traditions, to more modern interpretations, it is a well of wisdom and guidance like nothing else.

The more aligned you are to the energies laid out in your birth chart - the energy your soul was born with - the more ease, flow and power you’ll find in each and every day.

In this 60 minute reading, discover overarching themes of your life, your unique gifts, talents and how to utilize them in your day to day life.

My intention with any reading, including astrology, is to leave you feeling expansive at all you can achieve, centered, realizing that you have so many gifts and capabilities, and empowered as you go through each and every day.

PSYCH-K® can be included as an optional add-on to jumpstart the embodiment of the gifts in your chart. It’s one thing to intellectually understand, but another to embody.

To book an Astrology and Human Design Readings Bundle and get 20% off, click here.

Once you have had a reading, you’ll be invited to a private, bi-monthly Astrology Catch-Up Zoom Call, only available for existing clients. This free call is a chance to ask further questions about your chart, about how to apply this knowledge into your everyday lives, and to connect with other likeminded souls.

$250/ $350* + PSYCH-K®

60 minutes/ 90 minutes

A recording of your reading is included
All payments are final and nonrefundable. Appointments can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior