
rewire your subconscious
and remove limiting beliefs

unlock every possibility, when you remove the limiting beliefs that are subconsciously holding you back


Psych-K® is a modality that allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind - in the space of a few minutes.

We don’t need to dig, and find the source of these limiting beliefs. Instead, all you need to do, is to get clear on what you want. It’s that simple.

My role is to help you to get clear on what is really at the core of the limiting belief that is holding you back. And to walk you through the Psych-K® process aka what we call a balance.

And from there, you’ll find yourself open to limitless possibilities ✨

Our subconscious mind is at the root of everything that we do. And once we replace limiting beliefs with productive and positive beliefs, you can jumpstart any intention, goal or wish - immediately ⭐️

My intention with any reading, including channeling, is to leave you feeling expansive at all you can achieve, centered, realizing that you have so many gifts and capabilities, and empowered as you go through each and every day.

$250 or $350*

60/ 90 minutes

All payments are final and nonrefundable
Appointments can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior